Are you prepared for a natural disaster?

Pax8 Natural Disasters Live Q&A

Check out the key takeaways from our live Q&A event.

Pax8 hosted a live Q&A event where we talked with some of our partners who have witnessed natural disasters and the resulting disruptions to business first-hand. We heard from Nexinite Managing Partner Jeffrey Wright, Techvera founder and CEO Reese Ormand, and Premier Data Systems owner Bret Meche about their experiences dealing with natural disasters. We also heard from Pax8 Continuity Solutions Consultant Liz Moser about her experiences helping partners prepare for these scenarios.

As an MSP based in Northern California, Nexinite has faced challenges with the numerous wildfires that have devastated the region in recent years. Many of their clients have been adversely affected by the fires and resulting evacuations.

Techvera was on the frontlines of the snow storm that struck Texas in February of 2021, dealing with the large power outages, travel hazards, and other obstacles that made helping their clients extremely difficult.

Premier Data Systems operates in Louisiana, where hurricanes present a consistent threat to residents. In 2020, the state suffered through one of the worst hurricane seasons on record, with 30 named storms making landfall.

Through all these disasters, these three companies have learned important lessons about what it takes to properly prepare for and manage during a natural disaster. For those who couldn’t attend the event, you can watch the full video here — and we’ve compiled the main highlights below.

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